9 images Created 16 Nov 2020
Ancient light
When will we all be forgotten? Light travels relentlessly at 299 792 458 metres per second through the vacuum of open space. Back on earth, when you sit in the darkness and gaze up at the stars that form the dense centre of the milky way, you are looking at light that has been journeying for around 25,000 light-years. These ancient photons have journeyed a long time to enter your eye, where they are absorbed by your rods and cones. Light from the far edges of our galaxy has been travelling longer, 100,000 light years. These time scales make the duration of human civilization just a small flash in the darkness. I am drawn to man-made objects that are seemingly isolated within a sparce landscape. At night the context of these objects feels remote. I find them objects of curiosity and wonder how long before they become mysterious antiquities? And then how will our follies be perceived?